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Host Committee of Latino Inauguration 2017 Announces Commitee

San Clemente, Calif. (December 28, 2016) 

The National Hispanic Advisory Council for Trump and Hispanic 100 Policy Committee in partnership with the Congressional Hispanic Leadership Fund (CHLI) announced today the leadership team for the 2017 Latino Inaugural: A Celebration of the 58th Presidential Inauguration. The black-tie inaugural celebration will take place a few blocks from the White House at the elegant Mandarin Oriental Hotel on Thursday, January 19th from 8 p.m. – 11 p.m.



"The Host Committee of Latino Inaugural 2017 invites you to join in celebrating the inauguration of President-elect Donald Trump," said Mario Rodriguez, member of the National Hispanic Advisory Council for Trump and Chairman of the Hispanic 100 Policy Committee. "We are proudly celebrating the peaceful transition of the Executive Office, and the role our Latino community has played and will continue to play in building and supporting U.S. democracy."



The Honorable Raul Labrador will serve as Honorary Chair of the Gala, and the Gala will be chaired by Eddie Aldrete, Rudy Beserra, Jovita Carranza, Bryan Lanza, Steve Cortes, Rick Figueroa, Jose Fuentes, Joxel Garcia, Jerry and Kenya Pierce, Javier Polit, Mario Rodriguez, Mercedes Schlapp, Jennifer Sevilla Korn, Luis Quinonez and Massey Villareal.



"I am proud to be part of the Hispanic Advisory Council for Trump Inaugural Celebration," said Jovita Carranza. "This will be a fabulous event that celebrates the election of President-elect Donald Trump and features our national Latino leaders who worked so hard to elect Mr. Trump. Our event will provide an opportunity for our community to engage with leaders in both the private and public sectors as we prepare to work together for a strong and prosperous America."



Other members of the Host Committee include Juan Carlos Benitez, Mario Bramnick, Robert De Posada, Jose Diaz, Rafael Fantauzzi, Grace Flores-Hughes, Mary Ann Gomez-Orta, Hector Hoyos, Jesus Marquez, Clarice Navarro, David Olivencia, Genaro Pedroarias, Ramiro Pena, Carlos Trujilloand General Albert C. Zapanta. 



"President-elect Trump presented policy prescriptions and renewed optimism that will propel America, at last, back toward growth and security," said Steve Cortes, member of the Hispanic Advisory Council for Trump. "Hispanics, in particular, are embracing this message of opportunity and hope for communities and our children."




ABOUT THE INTERAMERICA GROUP - The Interamerica Group (TIG) is an executive-level management consulting and government relations firm. Our talented team has held executive level working positions in both the public and private sectors.  TIG is uniquely positioned to help companies who are looking to enter or expand into the state, local, and federal government, or into the U.S.A. and Latin American markets. We effectively serve our clients with offices in the Washington DC area, Sao Paulo, and Rio de Janeiro. 


ABOUT - The Hispanic 100 is an organization of trailblazing Latina leaders in the Dallas/Fort Worth area whose contributions have shaped, influenced and transformed how Latinas are viewed in business, education, arts, health, politics and community leadership. The Hispanic 100 established an endowment fund, called the Hispanic 100 Advised Fund, which supports local organizations whose mission is to empower, educate and support Latinas and our community. Contact: Michelle Rose Email: Phone: (949) 310-1801





Kellen Dunning (925) 785-8698, press(at)theinteramericagroup(dot)com 





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